Black Mirror Reviews – Lets Chat!

Hi everyone, how are you?

This post is going to be mainly short and sweet as I don’t usually post on the weekends. I thought I’d let you guys know how I’m thinking of tackling Black Mirror reviews.

Black Mirror has been one of the most highly anticipated series to return to Netflix all year. Heck, I started watching it almost 5 years ago whilst I was a mere college student when the first two series were aired and no one had even heard of it – so I’ve been waiting an age for the newer series to be produced and aired.

The problem here is that Black Mirror is unlike any other series I have reviewed thus far. For anyone who has seen it, you know each episode is self contained and so much is jam packed into an hour (sometimes over) and that it would be near impossible for me to just skim over each episode in one post simply stating my likes and dislikes and strongly urging you to view it. No, I think I owe each episode an in-depth analytical post with, you guessed it, spoilers!!!! (Also, I have to watch it with my boyfriend who is a chef and his hours are just ungodly but this allows me to be thorough I suppose.)

With that notion hanging in the air, what I am going to be doing is writing and publishing my thoughts, analysis and general impression of each new episode every Wednesday at my usual time of 5. I will say again that there WILL BE SPOILERS in each post – but don’t worry, I will remind you of that again at the beginning of each post.

I hope this is alright for you all, if you have any other suggestions or would like to input into the posts then please do not hesitate to get in touch with me via the social links at the top of my blog.

Otherwise, watch this space and make sure you are following me so you don’t miss out! Expect the first review for Ep.1 – USS Callister on Wednesday 3rd January 2018!

Happy New Year!

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